Consequences And Penalties Of An Underage DUI In Ontario

Driving under the influence in Ontario can lead to increased penalties if you are under 21 or have recently acquired your license. If caught with alcohol in your system, you will face stricter consequences than older, fully licensed drivers. Young drivers may be arrested for driving while impaired, even if they only have trace amounts of drugs or alcohol in their system. These charges can result in a loss of your license, high fines, and even jail time. So if you’re going to drink, don’t drive – no matter how old you are.

DUI in Ontario

DUI charges are a serious issue in Canada, where over 2.4 million Canadians have been convicted of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol at least once. In Ontario alone, over 10,000 people were charged with a DUI in 2016, costing the government over $72 million in legal fees and related expenses. All types of drivers are subject to strict penalties when charged with a DUI, including those who are underage.

Ontario laws regarding underage DUI are pretty rigid. This is because young drivers in Canada — those between the ages of 16 and 25 — have a higher rate of traffic accidents and deaths due to trauma than any other age group, as data from MADD Canada. When you consider that on-the-road statistics are only for automobile accidents, this youth demographic’s death rates increase: 55% are related to drug use, alcohol use, or both.

Laws For DUI

All drivers, regardless of age, will face standard criminal DUI charges if arrested because of high blood alcohol levels in Ontario. The same applies if they refuse to comply with drug or alcohol screening and other DUI offences. Once charged, they need to go the court to plead guilty or challenge the charges. If they are convicted, then they can potentially face the following consequences:

  • Having a permanent criminal record
  • Losing driving privileges
  • Facing extensive fines and other fees
  • Needing to attend mandatory treatment or educational programs
  • Meeting to install mandatory ignition interlock once driver’s license has been reinstated
  • Paying higher insurance premiums
  • Having their vehicle impounded
Warning Range Penalties and Zero Tolerance Penalties

The penalties received by novice and young drivers charged with DUI or drug impairment below the standard impairment threshold are the same penalties imposed on experienced adult drivers who received warning range penalties. Zero tolerance penalties are not categorized as a criminal offence, just like warning range DUI penalties. They are both considered administrative charges. Both warning range penalties and zero tolerance penalties can vary based on how many previous offences are on record. With this said, zero-tolerance penalties are generally more severe.

Challenge Your Zero Tolerance Case with A Toronto DUI Lawyer

Challenging your zero-tolerance case can lead to mitigated penalties, withdrawn charges, dismissal or acquittal, or perhaps reduced charges. An experienced DUI lawyer can strategize a defence leading to more favourable outcomes. Your lawyer will help prove if there is any doubt about you being impaired by drugs or alcohol. In the worst-case scenario, your DUI lawyer can help negotiate a plea bargain for you.

If you’re looking for a DUI lawyer in Toronto who can help you with zero tolerance charges, do not hesitate to contact Calvin Barry Law.

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