Practical Advice for Anyone Charged with a DUI in the GTA

Being charged with a DUI can be a startling and confusing experience, especially here in the Greater Toronto Area, where the laws are strictly enforced. Knowing what to do immediately after being arrested for a DUI can significantly influence the outcome of your case. It’s crucial not only to understand the steps that should be taken but also to recognize the common errors many individuals make that could worsen the situation.

First and foremost, we stress staying calm and cooperative during your initial interactions with law enforcement. This can be difficult under the circumstances, but being confrontational can complicate matters. Following this, securing legal representation should be your next immediate step. Our knowledgeable team is equipped to guide you through the complexities of DUI charges, ensuring you understand your rights and the forthcoming legal processes.

We’re here to arm you with essential information right from the start. This involves knowing what key documents and facts to collect and being aware of potential pitfalls that could negatively affect your case. As your dedicated representatives, we hope to provide clear, actionable advice to effectively navigate these challenging times. Let us help clarify the steps you need to take following a DUI arrest.

Key Actions to Take Immediately After a DUI Arrest in the GTA

If you’re arrested for a DUI in the Greater Toronto Area, acting swiftly and strategically is essential. The first thing we advise is to remain calm. Panicking can lead to poor decisions that might worsen your situation. Once you’re pulled over, it’s crucial to politely decline to discuss your day or your consumption without an attorney present. While you must provide identification, you are not required to provide additional information until we are there to guide you.

Secondly, request to speak with a lawyer immediately. This is your right, and stating it clearly can help protect your legal interests. Until we arrive, it’s wise to politely refuse to participate in any voluntary roadside sobriety tests. These are not mandatory and can be inaccurately used against you. Our team is ready to assist you 24/7, ensuring that from the moment of your arrest, every step taken is toward securing a positive outcome for your case.

Documentation and Information You Should Collect

After a DUI arrest, collecting the right documentation and information can play a pivotal role in your defence. Start by noting down the exact time and location of your stop; these details are fundamental. If possible, write down the officer’s badge number and any observations about the interaction that might be relevant, like the officer’s statements or actions during the arrest.

Keep a detailed account of the events leading up to your DUI stop. Include everything from what you were doing before driving to whom you were with. Don’t rely on memory alone, as details can blur over time and under stress. If there were witnesses willing to support your account, make sure to get their contact information immediately. These details contribute significantly to building a robust defence, as they provide us with tangible evidence to work with when questioning the charges against you.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Charged with a DUI

One of the most critical aspects we emphasize to individuals charged with a DUI is avoiding common mistakes that can compromise their case. Firstly, do not discuss your case with anyone but your legal team. It’s easy to accidentally say something that could be used against you in court, even to people you trust. Secondly, avoid posting about your situation on social media. Insensitive jokes, comments, or even seemingly innocent posts can be misinterpreted and used in court to question your character or responsibility.

Another major pitfall is failing to follow court orders or missing court dates. This can lead to additional penalties, including fines or jail time. Always keep track of your court schedule and maintain communication with us to ensure you meet all legal obligations. This proactive approach not only demonstrates your compliance but also helps us in crafting a stronger defense by showing your commitment to resolving the situation responsibly.

How We Can Help: Navigating Your DUI Case in the GTA

Navigating a DUI case can feel overwhelming, but with our team by your side, you can face the process with confidence. We begin by thoroughly reviewing the circumstances of your arrest to identify any possible breaches of your rights or procedural mistakes. This could include scrutinizing police conduct, the accuracy of any sobriety testing equipment used, and the legality of your vehicle stop.

Our approach is comprehensive, from gathering critical evidence to representing you in court. We ensure that all viable defence avenues are explored, from negotiating plea deals to fully fighting the charges based on trial. Our goal is not just to mitigate the potential penalties but to secure the best outcome possible, given your specific situation. We stand with you at every court appearance, fully prepared and focused on defending your rights.


Facing a DUI charge in the GTA requires understanding the legal landscape and having a robust defence. We at Calvin Barry Professional Corporation specialize in criminal and DUI law, bringing years of experience and deep local knowledge to your defence. If you’re dealing with a DUI arrest, don’t navigate this challenge alone. Let our expert team guide and support you through every step of the process. Connect with our team of expert DUI lawyers in Toronto today and ensure your rights are proficiently defended. Remember, the right legal team can make all the difference in your DUI case. Call Calvin Barry Professional Corporation, where we fight vigorously for your legal rights and strive for the best possible outcome in your case.

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